C.L. "Rooster" Martinez

<Poet, Educator, Writer>


The latest full length collection of poetry by C.L. Rooster Martinez is out NOW. Brought to you by the folx at Write About Now Publishing, Mexican Dinosaur is the first full length book by Rooster Martinez. Edited by Ayokunle Falomo and Chibbi, the book is a metamodern take on Chicanismo, history, raza, myth, and more. Mexican Dinosaur has received high praise from Lupe Mendez (2022 Texas Poet Laureate), Junious 'Jay' Ward (2023 Charlotte, NC Poet Laurate & 2019 IWPS Champion), Viktoria Valenzuela (Executive Director of Voices de la Luna Magazine), and many more. 

Mexican Dinosaur OUT NOW!:  
Order yours:  HERE
Follow Write About Now Poetry on IG HERE or at writeaboutnowpoetry.com. 

<Additional Books>

As it is in Heaven (Kissing Dynamite Poetry Press, July 2020). Available to purchase: HERE.

A Saint for Lost Things (Alabrava Press, April 2020): SOLD OUT.
Follow Alabrava Press: HERE

CONTRA: TEXAS POETS SPEAK OUT is a poetry anthology of over 40+ amazing writers from West, North, East, Central and South Texas. Edited by Rooster Martinez and Chibbi Orduña, CONTRA's mission is to: a) activate people to register to vote; b) activate people to GO VOTE; and c) donate all profits from book sales to MOVE Texas.

In collaboration with Write Art Out, FlowerSong Press, and Gemini Ink, Texas poets have donated work that speaks to these times we're living in, the fears people are facing, the just activism being fought in the streets, the importance of representation, a commitment to a pro-democracy nation, and hope for the future.

To order from Flowersong Press, click: HERE

& THE WORLD KEPT SPINNING (Oct 2021) is a PDF poetry chapbook of poems written during and in the aftermath of quarantine (2020/2021). The chapbook contains nineteen poems and is an interactive text with subtle hyperlinks to additional features such as songs, readings, news articles, and more. 

The chapbook is free to download: HERE

Edited by Chibbi Orduña.